Place of Employment (2) on LCA Changed


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Hello All,

My Employer location address was changed recently. I have approved LCA and H1b petition with older address of employer. But I work at client location all the time, which was unchanged. On my LCA it shows, Place of Employment (1) - Client address - No changes here and Place of Employment (2) - shows Employer's old address - now moved to different state. I am planning to attend for H1b stamping soon. Do my employer need to file new LCA and do H1b amendment for this secondary place of employment (2) change ? Please advice. Thank a lot.



It would seem to be a material change and need an amendment. You need to discuss this situation with a lawyer. I say this because you may be able to get the visa first and then have the employer file an amendment. This is too tricky to trust a forum.

13 hours ago, Kiran_60 said:

Hi Pontevecchio,

Thanks for the response. Sure, I will talk to a lawyer. So, u say appearing for h1b stamping prior to the amendment  won't cause any issue ?


Better to get the amendment done before to avoid any issues unless it is an emergency travel. You can talk to your employer's attorney also to get more information.


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