h1b amendment and extension


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My H1B is valid till Feb 2017 with my Employer A. 
I am working with same Employer since March 2015. since last two year I have work with two client (Client A and B) in two different location for same employer. after finished my contract with client B In August 2016, I moved to Client A to a initial location.

my employer has filed H1B amendment and LCA for Client A location as well as client B. Client B was filed in JUN 2016 but my project got end in August 2016.
so Now question is.

MY employer is saying they have filed LCA and H1B amendment for Client A which is my current working client. they will withdraw my Client B amendment.

is it possible to withdraw H1B amendment? will that affect to my H1B extension  which I am going to file in Jan 2017(Employer word).

do you think I need to Transfer my H1B visa to different employer? or shall i ask my employer to file extension asap.  mean while they are saying my PERM is in progress(I don't have any receipt for it)

Please advise.

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