cap exempt to cap subject - convince employer


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Hello folks

I got hired by a company from a University job. The client of the company was a federal goverment (my company works exclusively for the government), so they just transfered my cap-exempt visa from the university to cap-exempt visa sponsored by them (the only requirement for cap-exempt H1 is that the "work location" must be non-profit, not necessarily the employer, so even though my company is a for-profit corporation, they can still do cap-exempt visa for me).

I asked them recently about converting this to a cap visa this april season. The company wants to have discussion with me and their immigration lawyers together on this, since I already have a cap-exempt visa and can continue working without any problems, they feel this new visa is redundant.

The problem though is that I would like to be on a cap visa, since if something were to happen tommorrow (like I was fired or laid-off) then I will more options to look for another employer under a cap visa...and I find the cap-exempt visa very restrictive since one can work for only a handful of employers....

I will be meeting with the immigration lawyers soon along with my manager. Any suggestions on how I can convince them to sponsor a cap H1 for me ?

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