Change of Status from F2 to J1


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Hi - I am a research scholar in India. My husband is a student and currently working in the USA. I know that I can get an F2 visa but with F2 visa, I am not supposed to work. Therefore, I would like to move the states and then to change the status if get a research position. My question is, is there any problem in changing the status from F2 to J1. If yes, is there anything I can do before moving to the state. (or), it is better to go with a J1 visa?
Please guide me in this regard,

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You should move to the US on a visa that you intend to maintain for the duration of your stay, be it J/H, etc. 

A routine COS (say from F2 to J1) is not looked upon kindly to say the least, and more practically, USCIS is severely backlogged for any quick decision. The numerous COS requests in the pipeline, including a number of frivolous ones primarily to avoid exiting the US, may be to blame. 

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