H1B Liquidated Damages


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I recently changed employers and had signed a Liquidated Damages clause with past employer at joining and visa renewal time which states I must pay a specified amount if I did not stay with them for a specified time. Ive stayed with them for a long time now. Yet they still ask this since I quit about 2.5 months before the deadline. Now they are asking to pay the liquidated damages now. Please advise on how I should proceed.


Here are a couple of redacted/modified statements from them in email. 


“...u executed a Liquidated Damages Agreement towards the _company_ incurring administrative and legal expense of preparing and processing your H1B visa.  Under the terms of Agreement, if you do not remain employed with us for at least _x_ years after your last visa application process, you are required to reimburse us $$$$ for its expense and cost - regarding the administrative and legal processing costs for your H1B visa.

Please note, as mentioned we may enforce the collection of this amount in ckt ct in Ky.”




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You should consult the local labor lawyer.  I did so, few months ago but in state of Massachusetts and following are some details my attorney shared with me all or some may be applicable to you per state laws. 

From what I know, Liquidated Damage chapter in KY Only offers the protection to an employee if they are paid less than agreed upon wage which I doubt any employer does in this age and time. However, remember there is a word "Reasonable" in the law : 

(1) Restatement (Second) of Contracts, Liquidated Damages and Penalties (section 356 (1981)) “Damages for breach by either party may be liquidated in the agreement but only at an amount that is reasonable in the light of the anticipated or actual loss caused by the breach and the difficulties of proof of loss. A term fixing unreasonably large liquidated damages is unenforceable on grounds of public policy as a penalty.”

(2) “a. Liquidated damages or penalty. The parties to a contract may effectively provide in advance the damages that are to be payable in the event of breach as long as the provision does not disregard the principle of compensation. The enforcement of such provisions for liquidated damages saves the time of courts, juries, parties and witnesses and reduces the expense of litigation. This is especially important if the amount in controversy is small. However, the parties to a contract are not free to provide a penalty for its breach. The central objective behind the system of contract remedies is compensatory, not punitive. Punishment of a promisor for having broken his promise has no justification on either economic or other grounds and a term providing such a penalty is unenforceable on grounds of public policy. “

(2) "b. Test of penalty. Under the test stated in Subsection (1), two factors combine in determining whether an amount of money fixed as damages is so unreasonably large as to be a penalty. The first factor is the anticipated or actual loss caused by the breach. The amount fixed is reasonable to the extent that it approximates the actual loss that has resulted from the particular breach, even though it may not approximate the loss that might have been anticipated under other possible breaches…Furthermore, the amount fixed is reasonable to the extent that it approximates the loss anticipated at the time of the making of the contract, even though it may not approximate the actual loss… The second factor is the difficulty of proof of loss. The greater the difficulty either of proving that loss has occurred or of establishing its amount with the requisite certainty (see § 351), the easier it is to show that the amount fixed is reasonable. To the extent that there is uncertainty as to the harm, the estimate of the court or jury may not accord with the principle of compensation any more than does the advance estimate of the parties. A determination whether the amount fixed is a penalty turns on a combination of these two factors. If the difficulty of proof of loss is great, considerable latitude is allowed in the approximation of anticipated or actual harm. If, on the other hand, the difficulty of proof of loss is slight, less latitude is allowed in that approximation. If, to take an extreme case, it is clear that no loss at all has occurred, a provision fixing a substantial sum as damages is unenforceable."

(2) “c. Disguised penalties. Under the rule stated in this Section, the validity of a term providing for damages depends on the effect of that term as interpreted according to the rules stated in Chapter 9. Neither the parties’ actual intention as to its validity nor their characterization of the term as one for liquidated damages or a penalty is significant in determining whether the term is valid. Sometimes parties attempt to disguise a provision for a penalty by using language that purports to make payment of the amount an alternative performance under the contract, that purports to offer a discount for prompt performance, or that purports to place a valuation on property to be delivered. Although the parties may in good faith contract for alternative performances and fix discounts or valuations, a court will look to the substance of the agreement to determine whether this is the case or whether the parties have attempted to disguise a provision for a penalty that is unenforceable under this Section. In determining whether a contract is one for alternative performances, the relative value of the alternatives may be decisive.”

Also :  DOL Says :

The Statute: 8 U.S.C. §1182(n)(2)(C)(vi) “(I) It is a violation of this clause for an employer who has filed an application under this subsection to require an H-1B nonimmigrant to pay a penalty for ceasing employment with the employer prior to a date agreed to by the nonimmigrant and the employer. The Secretary shall determine whether a required payment is a penalty (and not liquidated damages) pursuant to relevant State law.  The Practical Lawyer October 2012 (II) It is a violation of this clause for an employer who has filed an application under this subsection to require an alien who is the subject of a petition filed under section 1184(c)(1) of this title, for which a fee is imposed under section 1184(c)(9) of this title, to reimburse, or otherwise compensate, the employer for part or all of the cost of such fee. It is a violation of this clause for such an employer otherwise to accept such reimbursement or compensation from such an alien. (III) If the Secretary finds, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, that an employer has committed a violation of this clause, the Secretary may impose a civil monetary penalty of $1,000 for each such violation and issue an administrative order requiring the return to the nonimmigrant of any amount paid in violation of this clause, or, if the nonimmigrant cannot be located, requiring payment of any such amount to the general fund of the Treasury.” USDOL holds that “the employer may not require the worker to pay a penalty for leaving employment prior to any agreed date. However, this restriction does not preclude the employer from seeking ‘liquidated damages’ pursuant to relevant state law. Liquidated damages are generally estimates stated in a contract of the anticipated damages to the employer caused by the worker’s breach of contract.”

The Regulation: 20 C.F.R. §655.731(c)(9) “ ‘Authorized deductions,’ for purposes of the employer’s satisfaction of the H–1B required wage obligation means a deduction from wages in complete compliance with one of the following three sets of criteria.... (iii) Deduction which meets the following requirements: (A) Is made in accordance with a voluntary, written authorization by the employee (Note to paragraph (c) (9)(iii)(A): an employee’s mere acceptance of a job which carries a deduction as a condition of employment does not constitute voluntary authorization, even if such condition were stated in writing); (B) Is for a matter principally for the benefit of the employee (Note to paragraph (c)(9)(iii)(B): housing and food allowances would be considered to meet this “benefit of employee” standard, unless the employee is in travel status, or unless the circumstances indicate that the arrangements for the employee’s housing or food are principally for the convenience or benefit of the employer (e.g., employee living at worksite in “on call” status)); (C) Is not a recoupment of the employer’s business expense (e.g., tools and equipment; transportation costs where such transportation is an incident of, and necessary to, the employment; living expenses when the employee is traveling on the employer’s business; attorney fees and other costs connected to the performance of H–1B program functions which are required to be performed by the employer (e.g., preparation and filing of LCA and H–1B petition)). (For purposes of this section, initial transportation from, and end-ofemployment travel, to the worker’s home country shall not be considered a business expense.); (D) Is an amount that does not exceed the fair market value or the actual cost (whichever is lower) of the matter covered (Note to paragraph (c)(9)(iii)(D): The employer must document the cost and value); and (E) Is an amount that does not exceed the limits set for garnishment of wages in the Consumer Credit Protection Act, 15 U.S.C. 1673, and the regulations of the Secretary pursuant to that Act, 29 C.F.R. part 870, under which garnishment(s) may not exceed 25 percent of an employee’s disposable earnings for a workweek.”

The Regulation: 20 C.F.R. §655.731(c)(10) “(10) A deduction from or reduction in the payment of the required wage is not authorized (and is therefore prohibited) for the following purposes (i.e., paragraphs (c)(10) (i) and (ii)): (i) A penalty paid by the H–1B nonimmigrant for ceasing employment with the employer prior to a date agreed to by the nonimmigrant and the employer. (A) The employer is not permitted to require (directly or indirectly) that the nonimmigrant pay a penalty for ceasing employment with the employer prior to an agreed date. Therefore, the employer shall not make any deduction from or reduction in the payment of the required wage to collect such a penalty. (B) The employer is permitted to receive bona fide liquidated damages from the H–1B nonimmigrant who ceases employment with the employer prior to an agreed date. However, the requirements of paragraph (c)(9)(iii) of this section must be fully satisfied, if such damages are to be received by the employer via deduction from or reduction in the payment of the required wage. (C) The distinction between liquidated damages (which are permissible) and a penalty (which is prohibited) is to be made on the basis of the applicable State law. In general, the laws of the various States recognize that liquidated damages are amounts which are fixed or stipulated by the parties at the inception of the contract, and which are reasonable approximations or estimates of the anticipated or actual damage caused to one party by the other party’s breach of the contract. On the other hand, the laws of the various States, in general, consider that penalties are amounts which (although fixed or stipulated in the contract by the parties) are not reasonable approximations or estimates of such damage. The laws of the various States, in general, require that the relation or circumstances of the parties, and the purpose(s) of the agreement, are to be taken into account, so that, for example, an agreement to a payment would be considered to be a prohibited penalty where it is the result of fraud or where it cloaks oppression. Furthermore, as a general matter, the sum stipulated must take into account whether the contract breach is total or partial (i.e., the percentage of the employment contract completed).”

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I have a PDF document that he shared with me. Please message me your e-mail and I'll be happy to send over.


Note : I am not associated with any attorney firm nor a professional legal expert. Here to help and share with things I learnt in my last 20 years of pursuit to know more immigration laws to protect myself against anomalies.

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