RFE on Name Mismatch with Birth Certificate and Application


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 My situation is bit confusing and I am writing this hoping that I may get some help.  I received an RFE on I485 mentioning that my name on Birth certificate and I485 application is different. USCIS has requested for a documentary evidence (official Civil document) that my name has legally changed from " Chandran" to "Rinu". Details are below, please read the spellings carefully.
Name on BC - just "Chandran" 
Name on I485 Application  and latest passport is "Rinu Chandran Mathew"
I was born in UAE, but an indian citizen
When I checked back the history, here is what happened.
Name on BC - Just "Chandran"
Name on First passport is "Chadran Matew" . issue in this is that the spelling are not right. Missing letter in both words.
Later on second passport name got corrected to be read as "Rinu Chadran Matew". This is clearly mentioned in the passport that my name is corrected. There are official language stating this in the passport.
later while I got my 4th and 5th passport I corrected the spellings and the new passport says " Rinu Chandran Mathew" 
Questions on what should I respond to RFE
1) Will a document from Tahsildar stating that this is one and the same person will help ?
2) Can I produce the 10th grade school certificate which has all information correct be enough?
3) Can an affidavit from my mother mentioning all above events with notorization help
4) How can I explain my first passport had "Chadran Matew" instead of "Chandran"
5) Why last name was not there in the Birth certificate 
6) is this all enough?
What happens to I485 case if evidence is not enough. Please help as I have to respond to RFE within 1.5 months. Thanks all in advance. 
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