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  1. Extension can be filed under emergency. Corona is a global emergency. I would certainly not risk my parents lives. Can surely consider extension. Apart from the risk of infection itself, they could be quarantined at the airport for 14 days.
  2. I know a couple of people that got it with exact TPM title, just need to make sure the TPM job responsibilities are stated with tools used in the job and explain how technical they are. Example you work on or manage apps that require you to use or understand SSIS or SQL or any other technology, subsequently then identify courses in your SE degree that relate to those tools. Example: The BE course in "computer programming" has helped the candidate acquire the required knowledge to perform the following duty: Duty: Use SQL/programming to create or manage reports and so on. The above is just an example. You will have to draft your reply accordingly based on how technical your PM role is.